Data Contributor FAQs

Why should I become a Data Contributor?

Data contributors are the foundation of DRD and provide the dynamic data which fuels Dispute Resolution Data.

  • Participating institutions are properly seen as leaders in the field.
  • Participating arbitration and mediation institutions receive access at no cost to the fully aggregated worldwide DRD database and analytic tools.
  • In the future ad hoc arbitrators and mediators will be able to “assign” their data contribution to a given institution.

How does DRD define case conclusions?

  • Awarded – cases concluded by (i) a monetary Award to one or more parties; (ii) a non-monetary Award to one or more parties (including declaratory, specific performance, injunctive); or (iii) a combined monetary and non-monetary Award.
  • Settled / Withdrawn – the dispute resolved by agreement of the parties, with or without the assistance of the arbitrator, resulting in a settlement agreement (which may or may not be recorded in a Consent Award) or the withdrawal of a claim or counterclaim.
  • Administrative Close – the termination of an arbitration by the institution for non-compliance with directions for payment.
  • Dismissed – the dismissal of a claim by an Award or Order of the tribunal without a final hearing on the merits, for (i) lack of jurisdiction; (ii) lack of legal merit; or (iii) failure to pursue a claim.


How do I access DRD?

To access DRD, go to our website at  You’ll be able to access macro data on arbitration and mediation services.

To access micro data focused on time, costs, and risk management issues, you will need to log into the application.  You can log into the Dispute Resolution Data application by clicking “Sign in” at the top right on the marketing site.  From there you will enter your email address and password to access your dashboard and the dispute resolution data.

What information is captured by the DRD case template?

The information comes from international arbitrations and mediations which have final awards, or agreements, and from cases settled, or withdrawn. The template information is largely related to issues of time, costs, and risk management. The data will be dynamic, as new data is regularly entered into the database.

Confidentiality - How is it maintained?

DRD will never receive any information from institutions regarding parties' identity, the names of the case, the advocates, or the arbitrators or mediators.  Further DRD commits contractually to never disclose the number of cases from which data is received from any institution.  

For more information on how DRD protects the data, please reference our Data Protocol.

How will the data be aggregated by DRD?

In order to preserve confidentiality and offer value to those interested in the data, the data will be redacted, aggregated and presented by geographic region, by year, and by case type. No case data will ever be presented by itself (alone) from any contributor organization. ONLY aggregated case data from multiple organizations will be presented by DRD.

What does "historical data" mean?

In order to present some historical information to compare to current years of data, DRD is asking contributor institutions to provide limited historical data occurring up to 5 years prior to 2016 (from years 2010 – 2015). Historical data will only seek answers to a limited number of data points related to each “historical” case.

How do I get started as a data contributor?

Ready to join DRD and become a data contributor?  Please contact us so we can learn more about your institution, and walk through the next steps with you. 

  1. Sign agreement to contribute.
  2. Participate in staff training.
  3. Begin contributing historical and current data.

What are Case Types?

DRD data explores 29 different international, commercial arbitration and mediation case types.  These were developed by working with exceptional institutional leaders and gaining valuable advice from practitioners, scholars, arbitrators, mediators and many others including our own DRD team. Each case is categorized into a case type, and where applicable, a sub-type.

For more information about the DRD case types, click here.

What browsers does DRD support?

The Dispute Resolution Data application supports the following browser versions:

  • Chrome 39+
  • Firefox 33+
  • Safari 8+
  • Internet Explorer 10+

If you are experiencing problems, please check that you have the latest version of your browser.

For further assistance please
contact our support team.